Lots of resources and activity ideas for The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Includes something for all the different area of learning (EYFS) and useful for KS1 Literacy and Science too.
Copyright: Photos comply with their copyright (some are CC0). I own the copyright to the clipart.
A simple PPT about T-Rex. A starting point for finding out more about them.
Hope it's helpful :)
For updates for my new resources, click on &'like&'; on facebook: www.facebook.com/TheStorySeed
Your purchase includes:
1 cursive handwriting book (lower case cursive letters only)
1 finger writing book (lower case cursive letters only)
Each page teaches you how to form the letter. Sheets can be given to children as homework for parents/carers to help at home. The 'Finger Writing' book may be useful for children who are not ready to write on paper yet.
You can print individual pages. Or you can print them back to back and staple along the left hand side to make into an A4 book.
(Please note there are 2 files for the handwriting files and 2 files for the finger writing book. The duplicate files are exactly the same in content except that they have 2 extra blank pages to help with duplex printing).
Copyright: I own the clipart and all files in this pack. Buyers are permitted to use the resources in compliance with the copyright license.
A big bundle of resources for your Handa's Surprise topic! Lots of activities for all the 7 EYFS areas of learning.
Copyright: images comply with their copyright (some are CC0). I own the copyright to the clipart.
6 'igh' words
This is a set of resources for the 'igh' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the 'igh’ word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'igh' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
6 'ir' words
This is a set of resources for the 'ir' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the 'ir’ word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'ir' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
6 'ou' words
This is a set of resources for the 'ou' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the 'ou’ word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'ou' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
What toy/gift is that behind the present box? There is a small clue to help the children. Lots of oppotunities for 'why&' questions and for children to explain/justify their guess.
Hope you find it useful! :)
This is a long banner (2 A4 pages, landscape).
It can be put in your reading corner or on a display board (a board to celebrate reading, decorated with photos of children holding their favourite books, pieces of writing from children, and key vocabulary such as setting, characters, etc).
A range of resources for The Tiger Who Came to Tea - something for each EYFS area of learning. Lots of posters and picture prompts and lesson ideas.
Copyright: images comply with their copyright. I have copyright for the clipart.
Look at the pictures. Read the words. Now who can match them all up?
Sounds in this pack include: ng, nk, th, ay, ee, igh, ow (as in 'snow'), ir, ou, oi, ar, or, a-e, oa, ur and ear.
You are purchasing 16 PDF files, one for each sound. Within each PDF, there are 2 activities. Children have to read the words and match them to the correct picture. The first part of the PDF is for you to laminate and cut out to use in your whole class lesson, small group work or as a free-flow carpet activity. The second is a work sheet. You can differentiate the worksheet by: 1. Writing in sound buttons with your less confident children to support them in their reading of the words, 2. Using the worksheet as it is for your on-target children, or 3. Getting your more confident children to write the words, as opposed to sticking words, next to each picture. You can also use these as part of your assessment.
Some sounds have more than 1 worksheet.
12 'ar' words
This is a set of resources for the 'ar' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the 'ar' word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'ar' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
6 'or' words
This is a set of resources for the 'or' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the 'or’ word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'or' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
6 'ie' words
This is a set of resources for the 'ie' sound.
It includes:
- PowerPoint : Words with no sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- PowerPoint : Words with sound buttons for support. Read the word and click on the correct picture.
- Match the word and picture activity (resources to be laminated)
- Worksheet: Cut and stick the ‘ie’ word next to the corresponding picture.
- Worksheet: Write the 'ie' word next to the picture (includes a set with phoneme frames for support).
Copyright: The resources are for personal use (or use within your school only) and distribution is not permitted.
All images are CC0 (no attribution required) or my personal photos.
Everything you will need for your Little Red Riding Hood topic! Includes posters, powerpoints, activities and games to keep children busy!
Copyright: I own the copyright to the clipart in the resources. Photos are public domain and I have acted in accordance with their copyright. Other photos have their copyright attribution under the picture.
Everything you need for your Billy Goats Gruff topic! Posters, cards and activities to keep the children busy! Time saver for teachers!
Copyright: I own the clipart and copyright to all content in this resource pack. Distribution of the resources or clipart is not permitted. Attribution of photos that I do not own appear under the photos.
Outline of letters b and d for children to colour in to help them remember the shape of the letters.
If you find them useful and would like to download more more letters, you can get them at my website: TheStorySeed.com
You can use this in Phonics by ‘binning’ the alien or rubbish words or it can be used as a classroom display for the incorrect words your children use in class, such as taked instead of took, buyed instead of bought, and tidy upping instead of tidying up.
For more free resources: TheStorySeed.com
A simple poster stating the steps children need to be secure with for them to be able to independently write CVC words.
Can be used as an assessment tool for CLLD and writing too.
Hope it’s helpful :)